Director of Patricia Leahy Research Lab
Saint Joseph’s mourns the loss of Margie A. Roos, PT ’97, DPT, PhD, professor and acting chair of physical therapy.
Dr. Roos was on the University of the Sciences faculty from 2002 to 2007, rejoined in 2014, and transitioned to Saint Joseph’s University in June 2022. She specialized in clinical work with neurological conditions and integrated this experience into her neuromuscular courses.
She earned degrees from Quinnipiac University (1987), the University of the Sciences (1997), Drexel University (2005), and the University of Delaware (2012), with a dissertation on dynamic balance in stroke survivors.
Her teaching emphasized experiential learning and included a special topics course on neurodegenerative drugs. She also conducted research funded by the Milton Lev Faculty Research and Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, studying exercise and cognitive retraining effects.
You can find information on Dr. Roos’ memorial services here.
A memorial mass will take place at Saint Joseph's University and has yet to be scheduled. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to the Sisters of Life Annunciation Motherhouse (38 Montebello Rd., Suffern, NY 10901).
Patricia (Patti) Leahy, MS, PT, NCS, died on October 9, 1995, of breast cancer at the age of 39. She was an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia from 1987 to 1995. Her areas of specialization were in teaching rehabilitation and neuroscience.
Professor Leahy was an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Neurology Section. She was largely responsible for transforming the Neurology Report from a section newsletter in to a recognized journal. Patti was one of the first three physical therapists to receive specialist certification in neurology and was a member of the Neurologic Specialty Council.
Before her death, Patti established a scholarship fund to financially assist PT students during clinical education. She felt that it was important to enable students to expand their horizons by seeking clinical sites outside of the Philadelphia area. The annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture serves to add monies to this fund and to honor the memory of Professor Leahy. The evening will consist of two things that Patti enjoyed—learning and a social event!
24th Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Seminar
"Neuroplasticity After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury – Optimizing Physical Therapy for Return to Activities."
presented by Dustin Grooms, PhD, AT, CSCS
Thursday, September 26, 2024
5–8 p.m.
Earn 2.5 CEUs (PA, DE, NJ) and honor the memory of Professor Leahy.
Cost to Attend
$55 for SJU/USci/PCPS alumni, students, teaching assistants and clinical instructors
$70 for all other attendees
Register here for the 24th Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Seminar
The Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund was established by PT Professor Patti Leahy to assist PT students with costs incurred during clinical education experiences in neurologic settings. All proceeds to benefit the Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund.
Dustin Grooms; PhD, AT, CSCS
Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Orthopedics, Division of Physical Therapy & The Ohio Neurological and Musculoskeletal Institute of Ohio University is the keynote speaker for the 24th Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture. Emerging evidence indicates that orthopedic injuries, such as to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) affect not only musculoskeletal structure but also disrupt nervous system function for movement and joint stability. However, neuroplasticity following such injuries is underemphasized when programming rehabilitation or in return to activity assessments.
Virtual Reality and Serious Games for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease and Post-Stroke
Judith Deutsch PT PhD FAPTA
Dr. Deutsch
"Blood Flow Restriction Training for Individuals with Neurological Diagnoses"
Evan T. Cohen, PT, MA, PhD, NCS
Justin Jiunta, P.T., DPT, OCS
John Petrizzo, PT, DPT, SSC
Greg Thielman, PT, MSPT, ATC, EdD
Julie Skrzat, PT, DPT, PhD, CCS
"Optimizing Outcomes Using the Movement System as a Framework for Patients with Neurological Dysfunction"
Patricia Scheets, PT, DPT, NCS
"The Neuroscience of Pain and Applications in the Neurologic Population"
Joseph M. Donnelly, PT, DHS, OCS
"Managing Post-Concussion Syndrome: The Diagnostic Dilemma, and Where Does Manual Therapy Fit In?"
Rob Landel, PT, DPT, FAPTA
"Harnessing Brain Plasticity Using Typical PT Equipment to Stimulate the Brain and Improve Motor Outcomes"
Shailesh Kantak PhD, PT
FUNctional Fashion & Wearable Technology: How Clothing & Soft/DIY Devices Can Improve Function, Independence, and Quality of Life for Individuals With Physical Disabilities
Michele Lobo, PT, PhD
New Advances in the Management of Persons with Balance and Vestibular Disorders.
Susan L. Whitney, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA
New and Innovative Evidence Based Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
Heather Cianci, PT, MS, GCS
Shoulder Dysfunction Post-Breast Cancer
Pamela K. Levangie, DPT, DSc, FAPTA
Management of Concussion/Mild TBI and the Emerging Role of the Physical Therapist
Anne Mucha PT, DPT, MS, NCS
CNS Adaptations During Locomotor Training
Amy J. Bastian, PhD, PT
Optimizing Participation of Individuals with Movement Disorders
Robert J. Palisano, PT, ScD
Gaming and Virtual Reality in Physical Therapy (to improve balance and mobility)
Judith Deutsch, PT, PhD
Failure of Voluntary Muscle Activation: Coming Out of Our Orthopedic Silo to Treat a Neurologic Impairment
Scott Stackhouse, PT, PhD
Exploration of Methods to Enhance Reach, Grasp and Manipulation Across the Lifespan.
Susan V. Duff, EdD, PT, OT, CHT
III Step (Special Therapeutic Exercise Project): Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow
Susan P. Barker, PT, PhD
The Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund was established by PT Professor Patti Leahy to assist PT students with costs incurred during clinical education experiences in neurologic settings. All proceeds to benefit the Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund.
Director of Patricia Leahy Research Lab