AV Gear Checkout
Com students can check out equipment from the department's AV Gear Room, including cameras, audio recorders, microphones, lighting equipment and tripods. Once checked out, Com Gear should only be returned to a student worker in the Gear Room.
Monday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 12:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 3:30 - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
*Note: The Gear Room hours change every semester based on student worker availability.
All gear is due by 12:00 p.m. noon two days after rental.
You may request one 48 hour renewal by emailing sjugear@gmail.com at least 12 hours prior to its due date/time. Requests will only be granted during the hours when the Gear Room is open and staffed. However, if a prior reservation has been made for your gear, you may not be granted a renewal and must return your gear.
How to Check Out AV Gear
Com students are welcome to visit the Gear Room in Bronstein Hall, Room 201 during business hours, which vary by semester. In order to check out gear you will need to bring your student ID. All gear will be due for return by 12pm two business days after rental. If you wish to renew your gear rental please stop in during business hours, or email sjugear@gmail.com to request a renewal. Students may be granted one additional 48 hour renewal for each gear order. Emails will only be answered during Gear Room business hours, and not on the weekends. Thanks for your understanding.
The Gear Room is happy to announce that we are updating some procedures for the fall semester to ensure a faster, more convenient experience for those renting equipment. In order to make the process run more smoothly for everyone, we are asking that all faculty and students submit the following information to the Gear Room via email with the header “Account Information” before going to rent equipment:
- Name: (First and Last)
- SJU Email: (Example: ab123456@sju.edu)
- Student ID Number: (Example: 10XXXXXX)
- Majors and Minors: (Example: Communications major, English minor)
- Phone Number: (Cell or Home, whichever is more convenient for contact)
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Gear Room employees via email.
Late/Damage Policy
If your gear is not returned by 12:00 noon on its due date directly to gear room employees, it is late. You will be charged $20 per day until the gear is returned during business hours.
Please do not leave gear unattended in Bronstein Hall hoping someone will check it in for you. This will be regarded as lost gear. You are responsible for gear while it is in your possession, including loss and damage.