Interim Dean, School of Health Professions
Full time faculty members in the Department of Pharmacy Practice are dedicated to continually improving drug therapy and team-based patient-centered care through research into the discovery, application and dissemination of knowledge about drugs and drug use.
Interim Dean, School of Health Professions
Dean of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Associate Dean, School of Health Professions
Professor of Pharmacy
Clinical Associate Professor and Acting Chair of Pharmacy Practice
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Assessment of Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Associate Professor Clinical Pharmacy
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Philadephia College of Pharmacy
Clinical Assistant Professor
Assistant Dean of Experiential Programs
John Wyeth Dean Emeritus; Professor
Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy;
Assistant Dean of PCP Student Affairs and Admissions;
Director of Student Recruitment and Engagement