Alcohol Policy


In accordance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, and as a Catholic, Jesuit institution, the Saint Joseph’s University alcohol and drug policies reinforce the University’s commitment to maintaining an environment that is dedicated to the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological development of all persons. This Alcohol Policy is guided by the care and concern for the individual person and the welfare of others. The Drug Policy can be found here (Drug Policy).

Any University student found in violation of this Policy may be subject to University disciplinary sanctions, including, but not limited to: Warning, Program Attendance or Facilitation, Writing Assignment, Discretionary Sanctions, Loss of Privileges, Counseling Assessments/Educational Meetings, Fines, Restitution, Administrative Relocation in University Housing, Disciplinary Probation, Deferred Suspension, Removal from University Residence, Suspension, Expulsion, Revocation of Admission and/or Degree, Withholding Degree.


University policy on the use of alcohol combines observance of state law, protection of the overall community, and the reduction of high-risk behavior by students. It should be understood that the University in no way is a co-sponsor to events with alcohol unless it has specifically stated this prior to the event.

In compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, no person under twenty-one years of age shall attempt or carry out the purchase, possession, consumption or transport of alcoholic beverages. No student shall attempt or carry out the transfer of any form of identification for the purpose of falsifying age in order to secure alcohol. No student shall give permission or render assistance in the sale, furnishing, or providing of alcohol to any person under twenty-one years of age.

Only under the conditions clearly stipulated in Section VI. of this policy (“Guidelines for Alcohol Beverage Distribution and Consumption at University Sponsored Student Events and Events that Have Students in Attendance”), is the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages at University sponsored events by students twenty-one years of age and older permitted. This conditioned permission should not be interpreted to mean that the University encourages the use of alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, the University considers intoxication, disorderliness or offensive conduct deriving from the use of alcoholic beverages, regardless of a person’s age, to be unacceptable and such conduct may result in disciplinary action.

Examples of alcohol violations include, but are not limited to:

  1. underage possession and/or consumption of alcohol
  2. knowingly furnishing, transporting, and/or allowing minors to consume alcohol
  3. use of alcohol resulting in involuntary, erratic and/or abusive behavior
  4. unauthorized possession of a keg/beer ball
  5. involvement in the high risk use of alcohol
  6. exceptional number of persons observed in a residence on campus or off campus when an open container of alcohol is present
  7. open container of alcohol in public area (including, but not limited to: hallways, lounges, buildings, outdoor spaces, campus parking lots, walkways, and athletic fields), unless otherwise approved by Section VI. of this policy (“Guidelines for Alcohol Beverage Distribution and Consumption at University Sponsored Student Events and Events that Have Students in Attendance”).


The welfare of each person in the Saint Joseph’s University community is paramount, and SJU encourages students to act as bystanders and offer help and assistance to others in need. Because the University understands that fear of disciplinary action may deter requests for emergency assistance, this statement was created to alleviate such concerns and reduce hesitation by SJU students to seek help. Students are expected to immediately report conduct or activity which poses a danger to the community or its members. For example, all students are expected to seek appropriate assistance for themselves or others in situations where help is needed to ensure proper care of a person who is significantly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. Students should not hesitate to seek help because of fear of disciplinary action.

In most circumstances, the help seeker and the student in need will not be charged with a policy violation through the University’s Community Standards process. In good faith reports regarding sexual harassment, hazing, or retaliation of the aforementioned, witness(es) and complainant(s)/victim(s) will not be charged with policy violations through the University’s Community Standards process for personal use of alcohol or drugs which are disclosed in the report.

Although students may be required to meet with a University official regarding the incident, Saint Joseph’s University will support and encourage this behavior by treating it as a health and safety matter, not as a disciplinary incident. In rare circumstances, such as cases of repeated, flagrant, or serious violations of the Community Standards (e.g., bodily harm, sexual misconduct, physical or verbal abuse or harassment, distribution of drugs, hazing, theft) or violations that caused the harm to another person requiring emergency response, conduct may be considered more than a health and safety matter.


Alcohol consumption can result in serious health problems, and significant changes in behavior. Low to moderate consumption of alcohol impairs speech, coordination, decision making and judgment. Moderate to high doses of alcohol significantly impair a person’s judgment, coordination and abstract mental functioning, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. It also increases the incidence of a variety of violent behaviors on college campuses, including sexual assault, vandalism, and fighting.

Prolonged heavy alcohol use may lead to abuse and dependence characterized by significant impairment in social functioning and failure to fulfill obligations at work, school or home. Continued abuse and dependence may cause permanent damage to vital organs. Very high doses of alcohol can cause respiratory depression and death.


To reflect its commitment to alcohol and drug awareness, the University calls upon key individuals and departments to educate the University community on the dangers of alcohol abuse and drug use:

  • The Office of Student Support and Well-being coordinates alcohol and drug education and programming, as well as materials to assist students with issues concerning alcohol and drug usage.
  • Members of the Division of Student Life and the Office of Public Safety & Security assist in implementing and enforcing the policy.
  • The Advisory Council on Alcohol, Drugs, and Student Health assists the Vice President for Student Life/Associate Provost by making recommendations for an overall vision and plan for the wellness, alcohol, and drug education needs of Saint Joseph’s University.
  • The University makes available to all students Counseling and Psychological Services, a counseling office staffed principally by licensed mental health professionals. A staff psychologist with a particular focus on substance abuse issues is included. For students engaged in counseling at the center, the services of a qualified psychiatrist are also available. The University strongly urges its students to take advantage of these services.

Campus Resources:

  • Office of Student Support and Well-being – 610-660-3462
  • Student Health Center – 610-660-1175
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) – 610-660-1090
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (on-campus) – 610-660-3462 [contact the Office of Student Support and Well-being for more information]

Local Resources:

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review provides more detailed information about Saint Joseph’s University alcohol and drug programs.


Approval from the Vice President for Student Life/Associate Provost must be secured for the distribution and consumption of alcohol at University-sponsored events attended by students. The approval form can be found here.

In addition to Aramark (licensee) policies, the below guidelines apply to such events. The VPSL/designee may require additional guidelines (including, but not limited to: event times, drink limits, type of alcohol, security presence, etc…) and/or otherwise amend what is included below, given the nature of the event and/or request.

– Event sponsors must ensure that requests for alcoholic beverages have been made within the timelines published in the Facility Usage Policy.

– Event sponsors must remain in attendance for the duration of the event.

– Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is only permitted within the approved area designated for the event. No persons shall be permitted to exit this area with an alcoholic beverage. The area must include adequate signage indicating such boundaries.

– Event attendees shall be clearly identified (via wristband, stamp, marker, etc…) as to whether they are permitted or not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages.

– Non-alcoholic beverages must be available and must be featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages throughout the event.

– Food items must be available throughout the event.

– No person shall sell, give, or otherwise make available any alcoholic beverage to a person who is visibly intoxicated.

– Drinking games are not permitted (i.e. beer pong, flip cup, etc…).

– All other University policies relating to alcohol shall also apply, including but not limited to, the student Alcohol Policy and the Human Resources Drug & Alcohol Policy.


Students are expected to comply with applicable laws regarding the unlawful use, possession or sale of illicit drugs and alcohol. Students may be subject to both institution and criminal sanctions as provided by federal, state, and local law.

In addition to violations of University policies, there are state and local laws, including, but not limited to, Title 18 (Pennsylvania Crimes Code) and Title 75 (the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code) that impose significant criminal penalties if violated.

Title 18: Note, in particular, Sections 5505 (Public Drunkenness); 6307 (Misrepresentation of Age to Purchase Liquor or Malt Brewed Beverages (Beer)); 6308 (Purchase, Consumption, Possession or Transportation of Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverage by A Minor); 6310.1 (Selling or Furnishing Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages to Minors); 6310.7 (Selling or Furnishing Non-Alcoholic Beverages to Persons Under 21); 6310.2 (Manufacture or Sale of False Identification Card); 6310.3 (Carrying a False ID); and, 3809 (Restriction on Alcoholic Beverages (Open Container)).

Title 75: Note, in particular, Sections 3718 (Minor Prohibited from Operating with Any Alcohol in System); 3802 (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance); 3802(a) (General Impairment); 3802(b) (High Rate of Alcohol); 3802(c) (Highest Rate of Alcohol); 3802(d) (Controlled Substances); 3802 (e) (Minors); 3802(f) (Commercial or School Vehicles); 3735 (Homicide by Vehicle While Driving under the Influence); and, 3735.1 (Aggravated Assault by Vehicle while Driving under the Influence). Pennsylvania Liquor Laws:

Title 18 – Pennsylvania Crimes Code

Section 5505 Public drunkenness. A person is guilty of a summary offense if he appears in any public place manifestly under the influence of alcohol…to the degree that he may endanger himself or other persons or property, or annoy persons in his vicinity.

Penalty                              1st Offense        2nd Offense          Subsequent Offense
Fine                                   0-$300                0-$300                 0-$300
Jail                                    0-90 days            0-90 days            0-90 days

Section 6307 Misrepresentation of age to secure liquor or malt or brewed beverages. A person is guilty of a summary offense for a first violation and a misdemeanor of the third degree for any subsequent violations if he being under the age of 21 years, knowingly and falsely represents himself to be 21 years of age or older to any licensed dealer, distributor or other person, for the purpose of procuring or having furnished to him, any liquor or malt or brewed beverages.

Penalty                              1st Offense        2nd Offense          Subsequent Offense
Fine                                   0-$300                0-$500                     0-$500
Jail                                    0-90 days            0-1 year                   0-1 year
License Suspension          90 days               1 year                       2 years

Section 6308 Purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor or malt or brewed beverages. A person commits a summary offense if he, being less than 21 years of age, attempts to purchase, purchases, consumes, possesses or knowingly and intentionally transports any liquor or malt or brewed beverages.

Penalty                           1st Offense          2nd Offense                  Subsequent Offense
Fine                                0-$300                 0-$500                          0-$500
Jail                                  0-90 days            0-90 days                      0-90 days
License Suspension        90 days               1 year                            2 years

Section 6309 Representing a minor to be 21 or older. A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree if he knowingly, willfully and falsely represents to any licensed dealer, or other person, any minor to be of full age, for the purpose of inducing [that] person to sell or furnish any liquor or malt or brewed beverages to the minor

Penalty                           1st Offense          2nd Offense                  Subsequent Offense
Fine                               $300-$2500            $300-$2500                 $300-$2500
Jail                                  0-1 year                    0-1 year                       0-1 year 

Section 6310 Inducement of Minors to Buy Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages. A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree if he hires or requests or induces any minor to purchase or offer to purchase, liquor or malt or brewed beverages from a duly licensed dealer for any purpose.

Penalty                         1st Offense               2nd Offense               Subsequent Offense
Fine                               $300-$2500            $300-$2500                 $300-$2500
Jail                                0-1 year                     0-1 year                      0-1 year

Section 6310.1 Selling or furnishing liquor or malt or brewed beverages to minors. A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if he/she intentionally and knowingly sells or…furnishes or purchases with the intent to sell or furnish any liquor or malt or brewed beverages to persons less than 21 years of age.

Penalty                         1st Offense               2nd Offense              Subsequent Offense
Fine                               $1000-$2500            $2500                       $2500
Jail                                0-1 year                     0-1 year                    0-1 year

Section 6310.2 Manufacture or sale of false identification card. A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he intentionally, knowingly or recklessly manufactures, makes, alters, sells or attempts to sell an identification card falsely representing the identity, birth date or age of another.

Penalty                        1st Offense                    2nd Offense         Subsequent Offense
Fine                             $1000-$5000                 $2500-$5000        $2500-$5000
Jail                              0-2 years                        0-2 years              0-2 years

Section 6310.3 Carrying a false identification card. A person commits a summary offense for a first violation and a misdemeanor of the third degree for subsequent violations if he/she, being under 21, possesses an identification card falsely identifying that person by name, age, date of birth or photograph as being 21 years of age or older, or obtains or attempts to obtain liquor or malt or brewed beverages by using the identification card of another or by using an identification card that has not been lawfully issued to or in the name of that person who possesses the card.

Penalty                        1st Offense                  2nd Offense            Subsequent Offense
Fine                             0-$300                         0-$500                    0-$500
Jail                               0-90 days                     0-90 days               0-90 days
License Suspension     90 days                        1 year                     2 years

Section 6310.7 Selling or furnishing nonalcoholic beverages to persons under 21. A person commits a summary offense if he intentionally and knowingly sells or furnishes nonalcoholic beverages to any person under 21 years of age. As used in this section, the term “nonalcoholic beverage” means any beverage intended to be marketed or sold as nonalcoholic beer, wine or liquor having some alcohol content but not containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume.

Penalty                        1st Offense                2nd Offense              Subsequent Offense
Fine                             0-$300                       0-$300                      0-$300
Jail                               0-90 days                  0-90 days                  0-90 days

*Sales without a license or purchase from an unlicensed source of liquor or malt beverages are prohibited. *It is unlawful to possess or transport liquor or alcohol within the Commonwealth unless it has been purchased from a State Store or in accordance with Liquor Control regulations.

 Title 75 – Pennsylvania Vehicle Code

Section 3718 Minor prohibited from operating with any alcohol in system. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a minor shall not drive, operate or be in physical control of a motor vehicle while having any alcohol in his system. A person who violates this subsection commits a summary offense.

Penalty                        1st Offense               2nd Offense        Subsequent Offense
Fine                             $100                         $100                    $100

Section 3809 Restriction on alcoholic beverages. It is unlawful for any person who is an operator or an occupant in any motor vehicle to be in possession of an open alcoholic beverage container or to consume any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance while the motor vehicle is located on any highway in this Commonwealth. Any person who violates this section commits a summary offense.

Penalty                        1st Offense             2nd Offense       Subsequent Offense
Fine                             $25                         $25                      $25

Section 3802(e) DUI-Minors. A minor may not drive, operate or be in actual physical control of the movement of a vehicle after imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the alcohol concentration in the minor’s blood or breath is .02% BAC or over within two hours after the minor has driven, operated or been in actual physical control of the movement of the vehicle.

Penalty                 1st Offense               2nd Offense              Subsequent Offense
Fine                       $500-$5000              $750-$5000              $1500-$10000
Jail                         48 hrs – 6 mos.        30 days – 6 mos.       90 days – 5 yrs 18 mos.
License Suspension      12 mos.            12 mos.                    18 mos.

Additional Penalties May Include: • Alcohol Highway Safety School; CRN Evaluation • Alcohol Highway Safety School; CRN Evaluation; Ignition Interlock; D & A Assessment & Compliance • CRN Evaluation; Ignition Interlock; D & A Assessment & Compliance