Commuter Students

Commuter students are an integral part of the Saint Joseph's community. Our mission is to provide a supportive environment to help you engage in active campus life. We understand that commuting comes with some challenges and we want to help you have a positive, rewarding and inclusive experience at Saint Joseph's University. Commuter students are encouraged to participate in all SJU programs including student organizations, campus recreation, service learning, campus ministry and study abroad. We also encourage you to take advantage of the many programs and resources that are available to commuting students specifically, including our commuter lounge and kitchen and the student organization Hawks in Flight.

Commuter Lounge
A dedicated commuter lounge, located in The Perch/Simpson Hall, has swipe access for commuters. The commuter lounge is equipped with lockers, lounge space, computers and a full-size refrigerator, microwave, toaster oven, sink and coffee maker.

Commuter Lockers
Lockers are available for commuter student use next to the Commuter Lounge.

Contact for Commuter Students
If you have any questions, please visit Nancy Komada, Director of Student Transitions, in the Commuter Lounge in the Perch or call 610-660-1068 or