Strategic Plan Initiatives
Rooted in our Jesuit intellectual heritage and mission, these initiatives will challenge us to reimagine our academic enterprise and total student experience, advance our national recognition and build the endowment and resources needed to provide accessible education and opportunities to more students.

Enrich Academic Quality and Distinction
Saint Joseph’s faculty is committed to educating a new generation of leaders, grounded in Jesuit values with a deep moral and ethical perspective. Our liberal arts core provides intellectual and moral formation along with practical application through professional disciplines and experiential learning growth opportunities outside the classroom.

Expand Transformative Student Experiences
From beginning to end — from the admissions and financial aid process; through student-centered advising, support services, dining and housing options; to preparing graduates to lead successful lives of meaning and purpose — SJU is well-positioned to provide a transformative student experience.

Enhance and Promote Programs of National Prominence
Saint Joseph’s will leverage our recognition as a higher education leader in the Northeast and Philadelphia markets, our standing as one of only 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the country and our niche academic and co-curricular programs, to achieve greater national prominence.

Foster Greater Financial Strength and Stability
Saint Joseph’s seeks to advance its mission by steadily strengthening our financial capacity. This will be accomplished by continuous refinement of the financial model to help ensure we enhance our core programs while investing in strategic priorities.