Undergraduate Registration Guide
Summer 2025 Registration
Summer registration for SJU courses begins Monday, February 24th.
If you are interested in taking a course at another institution, review the Permission to Take a Course Elsewhere process.
Fall 2025 Registration
Students may confirm their registration day and time in the Nest. To do this, Log onto the Nest and click on the Students Tab > Self-Service Course Registration > Prepare for Registration.
Note that an undergraduate student's registration date is based on earned credits; it does not include credits in which a student is currently enrolled.
- March 31 - All Graduate and Adult Learner Students
- April 1st - Juniors and returning seniors (54 or more earned credits)
- April 3rd - Sophomores (24-53 earned credits)
- April 8th - First Year Students (Fewer than 24 earned credits)
Get Ready for your Registration Day
This short Registration Prep video walks you through all of the essential steps to prepare for a stress-free registration. To access the links contained in this presentation, please see the Registration Checklist page
Plan Your Schedule
Consider your major/minor choices and academic goals, review your DegreeWorks, talk with your advisor, and use the Schedule Builder Worksheet to plan your courses.
Day Students - Plan Your Schedule
Registration Tools and FAQs
Here you will find links to registration, waitlist and course search tutorials, as well as the Registration Error Guide. We provide quick answers to the most common registration questions.