Advising: Forms
Major and Minor Forms
- Advisor approval is not required, but you are encouraged to discuss your decision with your advisor prior to submitting your request.
- If you intend to declare a major in Accounting, Actuarial Science, Autism & Behavioral Studies (BCaBA track), Finance (CFP and CFA), or any of the Teacher Education Programs (e.g., Elementary Education Prek-4), please note that these majors/programs require a review of Disclosure Information for professional certification and state licensing eligibility requirements prior to declaring the major/program. Please review the Disclosure Information prior to submitting your major change form.
After you submit your form:
- Your form will be forwarded to the Chair of your intended new major. The Chair may request a meeting with you (phone or Zoom) to discuss the major requirements and your interest in the major.
- You will receive an email receipt confirming that the major declaration/change was approved. Please retain this email for your records.
- Forms will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. Please check your Student Profile in the Nest for updates to your curriculum.
- Please note that this process may take up to two weeks to complete.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Office .
- Advisor approval is not required, but you are encouraged to discuss your decision with your advisor prior to submitting your request to ensure that you have sufficient elective space in your curriculum to accommodate requirements for the secondary major.
- If you intend to declare a major in Accounting, Actuarial Science, Autism & Behavioral Studies (BCaBA track), Finance (CFP and CFA), or any of the Teacher Education Programs, please note that these majors/programs require a review of Disclosure Information for professional certification and state licensing eligibility requirements prior to declaring the major/program. Please review the Disclosure Information prior to submitting your major change form.
After you submit your form:
- Your request will be forwarded to the Chair of your intended secondary major. The Chair may request a meeting with you (phone or Zoom) to discuss the major requirements and your interest in the major.
- You will receive an email receipt confirming that the secondary major declaration was approved. Please retain this email for your records.
- Forms will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. Please check your Student Profile in the Nest for updates to your curriculum.
- Please note that this process may take up to two weeks to complete.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Office.
Minor/Certificate Declaration Form
- Advisor approval is not required, but you are encouraged to discuss your decision with your advisor prior to submitting your request.
- Some programs require a review of Disclosure Information for professional certification and state licensing eligibility requirements prior to declaring the minor/program. This includes minors in Accounting, Actuarial Science, Autism & Behavioral Studies (BCaBA track), or Finance (CFP and CFA). If you intend to declare any of these minors, please review the Disclosure Information prior to submitting your minor request form.
After you submit your form:
- Your request will be forwarded to the Chair/Program Director of your intended minor/certificate program. The Chair/Program Director may request a meeting with you (phone or Zoom) to discuss the major requirements and your interest in the minor.
- You will receive an email receipt confirming that the minor/certificate declaration was approved. Please retain this email for your records.
- Forms will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing.
- Please check your Student Profile in the Nest for updates to your curriculum.
- Please note that this process may take up to two weeks to complete.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Center.
- No approval is required to drop a secondary major or a minor, but you are encouraged to discuss this decision with your advisor.
- Submit the request directly to the Registrar's Office via this online form.
Registration Related Forms
Please see the Academic Calendar for withdrawal deadlines.
Prior to submitting an online course withdrawal request, you are required to consult with your advisor.
- After your request is submitted:
- A notification will be sent to your advisor for their approval. (Note that you no longer need to attach evidence of their approval to the form)
- Please notify your professor that you have withdrawn from the course.
- After your advisor's approval is submitted, the Registrar's Office will process your withdrawal. Please check your registration history in the Nest for updates to your course registration.
- If you have questions, please contact Undergraduate Advising Support.
- Graduate students are encouraged to consult with their professor and/or academic advisor prior to submitting a Course Withdrawal form, but this consultation is not required.
- There are financial implications to withdrawing from a course. Graduate students should consult the Academic Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Schedule prior to submitting a Course Withdrawal Form.
- There are Financial Aid implications to withdrawing from a course. Graduate students should consult with the Office of Financial Aid prior to withdrawing from a course if they have Financial Aid concerns.
- If you are withdrawing from multiple courses, please submit a separate form for each course.
- After submitting your form, please notify your professor that you have withdrawn from the course.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising area.
The Interim Repeat and Grade Replacement Policy will be in effect through Summer 2024. Please refer to the linked policy and form to review eligibility requirements and instructions.
Note that the faculty approved a final Grade Replacement Policy that will go into effect for Fall 2024. Important changes to policy include:
- Starting Fall 2024, undergraduate students will only be able to replace courses with grades of C– and below. Undergraduates will no longer be able to replace courses with grades from C to B– as was allowed under the current interim policy.
- For Graduate students, eligibilty for Grade Replacement will remain B– or below.
- Both grades appear on the transcript, but only the higher grade is calculated into the GPA.
- Courses in which an academic honesty violation was recorded are ineligible.
Prior to submitting an online extraordinary withdrawal request, you are required to consult with your instructor and obtain their approval to withdraw.
Extraordinary Course Withdrawal Form
- Attach your instructor's email approval to the form. Note: The email you upload must include a clear statement from your instructor that the withdrawal is approved. For example, “I support your request to withdraw from XXX course.” Any withdrawal forms that do not have clear approval attached will not be considered.
- Please submit medical documentation directly to the Director of Student Disability Services ( Other forms of documentation may be submitted directly with the online form.
- You will receive an email receipt confirming the Associate Dean's decision. Please retain this email for your records.
- If approved, the forms will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. Please check your registration history in the Nest for updates to your course registration.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Office.
Please see the Academic Catalog for information on the Pass/No Penalty Grade Option.
Request to Change a Course From Credit to Audit Form
- Students who are requesting a change from credit to audit status must submit the request no later than the withdrawal deadline for the semester.
- The Change from Credit to Audit Form requires Instructor and Associate Dean approval.
- Prior to submitting an online Change from Credit to Audit Form, you are required to consult with your instructor and obtain their approval to audit the course in writing (e.g., email).
- Attach your instructor's email approval to the form.
- The request will be forwarded to the appropriate Associate Dean for their review.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Office.
Permission to Take a Course Elsewhere Form
Transfer Equivalency Database for consultation
Please Note:
- GEP or Major course requirements must be taken at SJU unless the course is not being offered that term and the course is necessary for a student to maintain normal academic progress or the proper sequence of courses in their major field of study.
- The SJU Residency Requirement requires that you complete your final 30 credits at SJU.
If your course elsewhere request is approved:
If this course elsewhere request is approved, you also must meet with your Faculty Advisor to confirm if/how this course will apply toward your degree. Course elsewhere approval does not guarantee that it will meet degree requirements. Department Chair approval also is required if you intend to use the course to fulfill a major or minor requirement.
After you successfully complete the course with a C or better grade, please request an official transcript to be sent to the Saint Joseph's University Registrar's Office.
- Prior to submitting an online course overload request, you are required to consult with your advisor and obtain their approval.
- Attach your advisor's email approval to the form. Any forms submitted without clear advisor approval will be automatically rejected.
- Your request will be routed to the appropriate Associate Dean for review. You will be notified of the Associate Dean's decision via email. Please retain this email for your records.
- If approved, your Advising Center will increase your credit limit so that you may register for an additional course.
- It is the student's responsibility to register for the additional overload course through the Nest.
- Please note that permission to do a course overload requires a superior academic record; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.
- If you have questions, please contact your Advising Center.
If you are an Honors Program student submitting a thesis proposal or requesting for a capstone independent study/course upgrade, please use the Honors Thesis and Capstone Course Form to submit your request. Non-Honors Program students who are submitting a thesis proposal should also use the Honors Thesis and Capstone Course Form to submit their request.
All others:
Independent Study Request Form
- Please discuss your Independent Study Request with your Faculty Mentor and Department Chair. Obtain their approval in writing (via email).
- Finalize the course syllabus with your Faculty Mentor. Please note that a course syllabus must accompany the application.
- Submit your application, approvals, and course syllabus via the online form linked above. Any form submitted without a syllabus and/or without Faculty Mentor and Chair approval will be automatically rejected.
- The Associate Dean will review the request. You will be notified of the Associate Dean's decision via email. Please retain this email for your records.
- If approved, the form will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. The Independent Study course will be added to your schedule.
- If you have any questions about this process, please contact your Advising Center.
Honors Thesis and Capstone Course Form
- Use this form to request approval for:
- Your Honors Thesis Proposal (for both Honors Program and non-Honors Program students)
- Honors Capstone Independent Study
- Honors Capstone Course Upgrade
- Please discuss your Honors Thesis Proposal or Capstone Independent Study, or Capstone Course Upgrade request with your Faculty Mentor. Obtain your Faculty Mentor's approval in writing (via email). If requesting a Capstone Course Upgrade, please also obtain written approval from the course instructor.
- Finalize the thesis proposal or course syllabus with your Faculty Mentor. Please note that a course syllabus or honors thesis proposal must accompany the application.
- Submit your application and approvals via the online form linked above. Any form submitted without required documentation and/or without required approvals will be rejected automatically.
- The Department Chair, Honors Program, and Associate Dean will review the request. You will be notified of their decision via email.
- If approved, the form will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. The course will be added to your schedule.
- If you have any questions about this process, please contact Dr. Sam Talcott, Associate Director for the Honors Program or Gregory Spano.
- Use this form to request approval for:
Leave, Withdrawal and Return to the University
Please see this site for more information on the process to apply for a Temporary Separation from the university, as well as the process to request a return.
Please see this site for more information on the process to request a return following a temporary separation (medical or non-medical).
For Undergraduates seeking to withdraw from Saint Joseph's University, please make an appointment with a member of the Student Success Team. Click here to make an appointment via Starfish.
If you have any questions, email -
Graduate and Doctoral Students: Withdraw from the University Form
Undergraduate and graduate students who return following an absence of at least one calendar year may request academic forgiveness. See the Academic Catalog for the Policy on Academic Forgiveness.
Begin the process by submitting an Application for Academic Forgiveness. Initial review of your Application for Academic Forgiveness will be completed by the Associate Dean for your College. After this, you will be required to meet with the Department Chair for your major or your Program Director to develop an Academic Plan for completing all requirements for your degree. Final approval of your application will not be granted until all of these steps are completed.0
Applications must be completed at least 4 weeks before registration for courses. However, approval of return does not guarantee seats in desired classes.
Note: If you are considering applying to a graduate program in a health profession, at the time you request Academic Forgiveness, please request a transcript showing your grades before academic forgiveness is granted and save it for future use. Some programs (such as allopathic medicine) require applicants to submit original grades before academic forgiveness. If you have any questions, please contact Health Professions Advising (