Introductory Media Training: 3/24/22

We are pleased to share that we have partnered with the Office of Marketing and Communications to offer various media training sessions in the Spring 2022 semester. The sessions will be offered by public relations agency AKCG and will provide an overview on working with the news media.

Each of you is a subject matter expert in your field and can assist the news media with preparing accurate, thorough news stories. This expertise is greatly valued by our news media partners and is a terrific way to promote the academic excellence of our faculty to our prospective students and their families. We are appreciative of your continued commitment and participation.

All faculty members are invited to attend the second and final Introductory Media Training of the semester on Thursday, March 24 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Cardinal John P. Foley Campus Center. Please register in advance of the session. No preparation is required.

Questions can be directed to Associate Director of Public Relations, Gabrielle Lacherza.