Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We know you may have questions about your college experience. We’re happy to help! Get answers on hot-button topics like financial aid, scholarships, your major and housing.
Financial Aid
How do I file my FAFSA?
You can submit your 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at starting on December 1, 2024. Saint Joseph’s school code is 003367. By submitting your FAFSA, you ensure that you’ll be considered for all financial aid for which you qualify.
When will I receive my financial aid award?
We anticipate beginning to release comprehensive financial aid packages in February 2025. You will receive an email when your financial aid package becomes available to view online.
Who do I contact with questions about financial aid?
Your admission counselor is also your financial aid counselor. Once your financial aid award is available, it will be posted to your SJU Admission Account. From there, you can contact your counselor with any questions.
You can also visit our financial aid webpage for more information.
How do I apply for scholarships?
Merit scholarships do not require a separate application. If you were awarded a merit scholarship, it is listed in your letter of admission.
Specialty scholarships require a separate application. You can view all available specialty scholarships at
Transferring Credits
Does SJU accept transfer credits?
Students may transfer credits to Saint Joseph's University through AP and IB programs or by earning credits at another accredited college or university or through dual enrollment programs. Students may transfer a maximum of 60 earned college credits or 20 courses.
Change My Major
Can I change my major?
Yes you can change your major at Saint Joseph's University. At Saint Joseph's we encourage exploration and know that what interests you now may change in the future. If you want to change your major before your first semester, you can request a change of major through your SJU Admission Account or email your admission counselor directly.
Housing Selection and Course Registration
When do I need to choose my housing and register for classes?
Information on housing selection and fall semester class registration for incoming first-year students will be communicated in the spring of 2025. Additional information and next steps will also be covered during summer orientation sessions. Questions or concerns can be addressed to or call 610-660-1300.
Paying My Enrollment Deposit
How To Submit Enrollment Deposit
You can submit your non-refundable enrollment to Saint Joseph's University through your Saint Joseph's University Admission Account. We accept credit card, check and money order.
Next Steps After Depositing
Request your required documents.
Be sure to reach out to your school counselor to let them know you’re attending Saint Joseph’s, and ask that your final high school transcript is sent to us. If applicable, forward Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate scores and/or official college transcripts and syllabi to the Office of Undergraduate Admission for credit evaluation. Our credit awarding policy and forms are available at
Activate your Nest account.
Starting in mid-April 2025, Saint Joseph's University will email you to activate your Nest account. The Nest is your official SJU account during your time as a student. This is where you will also complete your summer tasks in preparation for the first day of classes in August 2025.